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A Notice for Members: Changes to Annual Membership Rates

EENC Membership,

Our Board and Staff has recently completed a extensive review and analysis of our Individual and Organizational Membership pricing, benefits, and offerings, to help guide our planning processes and work to support our Member community to the fullest extent possible in 2024 and beyond. 

After thorough consideration during this analysis regarding our own organization’s values, future goals, and financial stability, EENC’s Board of Directors approved an increase to all membership annual rates during their January meeting that goes into effect today, February 1st. No immediate action is needed by our Members; updated rates will be reflected in annual membership renewal notices.

The EENC team is proud and grateful for the membership community we’ve built together – please know that your annual membership fee continues to reflect a direct commitment to the advancement of environmental education across North Carolina. 

With these updates come exciting new expansions to our slate of Membership benefits, including Community Calls for all Members and a Community of Practice for Organizational Members, exclusive eligibility for the Let’s Grow Together Campaign, and a Member-specific monthly email blast sharing sneak peeks and early registration access to EENC initiatives and signature events. 

From EENC’s Interim Executive Director, Nikki Jones: 

“As EENC continues to expand the scope of our programs, the depth of professional development courses, the impact of community advocacy, and the reach of our membership across the state, it is time to ask our members for this modest increase in support. In 2024, you will see new individual benefits at all member levels, new events and resources, an ever-expanding catalog of learning opportunities, early registration access, additional networking calls, and further perks. We're grateful for your investment and participation in the success of our remarkable state-wide network.”

Today also marks the start of another update for Organizational Memberships – new level names! In the interest of clarity and accessibility, our Board of Directors also approved updated titles for all Organizational Membership levels during their January meeting. Again, no action is needed; the new titles will take effect across EENC’s website and membership accounts automatically. 

  • Core Membership > Bronze Membership 

  • Ally Membership > Silver Membership 

  • Supporter Membership > Gold Membership 

  • Leader Membership > Platinum Membership

  • Guardian Membership > Titanium Membership 

  • Champion Membership > Diamond Membership

Below and on the Become A Member page of the EENC website, find updated rates and at-a-glance charts detailing benefits for Individual and Organizational Memberships, as well as complete lists of all available membership benefits.

Thank you for being part of our community! 

Individual Membership Levels

2023 Annual Rates

Annual Rates Effective 2/1/2024










New to EE









Organizational Membership Levels

2023 Annual Rates

Annual Rates Effective 2/1/2024

Bronze (Previously Core)



Silver (Previously Ally)



Gold (Previously Supporter)



Platinum (Previously Leader)



Titanium (Previously Guardian)



Diamond (Previously Champion)



Individual Membership Benefits

Benefits marked with an asterisk (*) are limited to paid membership levels at this time. 

  • Discounted registration prices for all EENC professional learning courses and workshops, including those that are eligible for Criteria I, Criteria III, and Continuing Education credit for the NC Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs’ Environmental Educator Certification Program.

  • Access to our directory of 500+ members across North Carolina.

  • Invitations to periodic Member Community Calls, a facilitated community of practice offering resource sharing, networking opportunities, and discussions of current trends and best practices in the field of environmental education.

  • Access to EENC's resource database, featuring a growing collection of 40+ webinar recordings, downloadable templates and infographics, summaries of relevant policies and standards, and more – including many recordings that are eligible for Criteria III and Continuing Education credit for the NC Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs’ Environmental Educator Certification Program. 

  • Eligibility to apply for EENC’s annual Mini-Grant funding.*

  • Early access to the request for session proposals, award nomination, and registration and lodging forms for EENC’s annual conference;* discounted registration prices for EENC’s annual conference.

  • Eligibility to apply for fiscal sponsorship by EENC.*

  • Inclusion on the “Member Memo” monthly email list in addition to EENC’s public monthly newsletter.*

  • Member-only voting rights on annual Board of Directors nominations and other key motions guiding EENC’s operations, planning, and visioning processes; eligibility to run for a seat on the Board of Directors.*

  • Eligibility for key Awards within EENC’s annual awards recognition program: Outstanding Newcomer, Outstanding Practitioner, Outstanding Service, and the Melva Fager Okun Life Achievement Award.*

  • The intangibles: find community and make connections with your peers; show your support and commitment to the advancement of environmental education in North Carolina; build your resume and skill set; and help ensure that this professional society for environmental educators in NC is available into perpetuity!

Organizational Membership Benefits:

See the at-a-glance chart for benefit eligibility by membership level. 

  • Invitation to Annual Organizational Membership Meeting, a private gathering featuring updates on EENC projects and accomplishments and opportunities to network with other Organizational Members.

  • Named in EENC’s Annual Report.

  • Printed Certificate of Membership and window cling for display at Organization’s physical location; EENC logo stickers for all included staff. 

  • Invitations to Bi-Monthly Organizational Member Calls, a facilitated community of practice featuring organizational-specific resource sharing and networking opportunities among organizational members. 

  • One organizational highlight on EENC’s social media platforms annually. 

  • Inclusion in EENC annual Organizational Membership appreciation social media post. 

  • Eligibility to participate in EENC’s annual spring collaborative crowdfunding campaign, Let’s Grow Together – includes access to personalized fundraising mentorship and promotion of organization’s mission through EENC channels. 

  • Digital badge of Membership for display on Organization’s online platforms. 

  • Organization name, logo, and link displayed on EENC’s website.

  • Eligibility to request a letter of support from EENC for grant proposals. 

  • Eligibility to request EENC presence (speaker and/or printed promotional materials) at organizational events.

  • Site preference for EENC-hosted workshops and networking events in your area. 

  • Eligibility for collaborative marketing at EENC exhibits and tabling events (maximum of 5 events per year). 

  • Free ($300 value!) exhibit space at EENC’s annual conference. 

  • Individual Membership benefits (listed above) for all Included Staff.

  • The intangibles: find community and make connections with other NC environmental education organizations; show your support and commitment to the advancement of environmental education in North Carolina; advance your staff's professional skill sets; and help ensure that this professional society for environmental educators in NC is available into perpetuity!


Environmental Educators of North Carolina

EENC’s mission is to build connections, provide professional development, and promote excellence for North Carolina's community of environmental educators.
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© 2024 by EENC. |  150 Highlands Sq Dr #1034 Hendersonville, NC 28792

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