Want to get involved with EENC? EENC is always looking for help to help with committees, action projects, and special events! Volunteering is great way to help other educators across our state, share your voice to help EENC better serve our professional community, and it's a chance to get to know some really cool people. Have questions about volunteering? Contact erin@eenc.org to learn more about the Events and Outreach Committee.
Annual Opportunities:
Mini-Grant Reviewers (March)
Conference Session Proposal Reviewers (April-May)
Conference Scholarship Application Reviewers (May-June)
Awards Committee (August-September)
Conference Volunteers (September - recruitment happens when you register!)
Section Committees (ongoing, as openings arise)
Join the Policy Community
Join the Policy Committee to help us create our Advocacy Plan. This plan will identify legislative priorities as well as non-legislative advocacy opportunities and provide a roadmap for organizational engagement. This opportunity is for anyone interested in advocacy for environmental education as a field. We want your skills and knowledge if you are a policy expert, have legislative advocacy experience, or love building relationships. We also want your thoughts and energy if this is something you want to learn more about! Contact 2024 Board Policy Chair Brian Wuertz to get involved in this committee.
Overarching Goals:
Create an advocacy plan for EENC
Advocate for environmental education policy initiatives
Build relationships with decision makers
Establish connections with current policy advocates who can include EE in their policy pushes
Include non-board member volunteers
Membership expectations:
Attendance 1, 1-hour meeting per month
Estimated time commitment: 2-3 hours per month
Research policies, review documents, and prepare for meetings
For Current Volunteers
Volunteer Waivers
Volunteers must complete the EENC Volunteer Waiver prior to service. Please complete the form and email a copy to info@eenc.org. Volunteer Waiver
Volunteer Hours
Have you given time to support EENC? If so, know we are so deeply appreciative. We want to make sure your time is counted. Please report your hours of service to EENC by completing our volunteer hours form.