The 2023 NC Standard Course of Study Science Standards were released this July, after over a year of review, and revision by the Department of Public Instruction and NC Board of Education. During the revision window, EENC hosted collaborative working sessions for educators, provided updates on the proposed standards, and mobilized our community across the state to provide feedback during public review periods. Now that the updated standards have been finalized, EENC is continuing to provide support to educators by developing resources that highlight noteworthy updates and changes to the standards as pertain to environmental education.
In August, we shared our At-A-Glance Document for Environmental Education and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, which summarizes and spotlights standards in K-12 Science that are potentially aligned with environmental education topics and themes.
Now, we are pleased to share a second resource for educators: Things to Note in the 2023 NCSCOS Science Standards. This document highlights key changes and differences between the 2010 and 2023 standards, including changes in content area categorization, revised language, and the addition of new clarifying objectives.
We encourage both nonformal and formal educators across North Carolina to review the new standards in their entirety, as well as the associated DPI resources, including the Crosswalks and Installation Timeline. Find the standards announcement from DPI on their website.