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2022 Year in Review: Putting Actions Behind Goals

Looking back, it’s been a busy year! As a small organization, EENC has big dreams to support our field - and to do that, we focus our efforts on advancing the goals outlined in our strategic plan. Want to know what this looks like in action? The following highlights are just a few projects we’ve been working on to help inspire a more just and sustainable world.


  • Advocacy around K-12 Science Standards revision, working to ensure environmental education is incorporated into our state standards.

  • Began the process of updating NC’s Environmental Literacy Plan with our partners at the NC Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs and the NC Department of Public Instruction. Stay tuned for more information on this in 2023!

  • Coordinated the development of an “eeGuidance for Equitable Pay and Hiring” that will be released early next year through the Southeastern Environmental Education Alliance (SEEA).

Partnerships for Building Capacity to Advance Environmental Education:

  • Implemented a plan to address findings from the first phase of the SEEA Landscape Analysis, which focused on nonformal providers. This included sharing shared the results through webinars, a conference session, and a regional Funders’ Briefing, and planning the UnConference in northeastern NC, and made additional plans for 2023 to help engage educators in eastern North Carolina to address geographic gaps.

  • Solicited responses for Phase II of the SEEA Landscape Analysis, focusing on teachers and school administrators.

Increase Recognition of EENC as a Go-To Resource:

  • Launched a new online Universal Design for Learning in EE course and released a complimentary toolkit. This expands our introductory equity-focused training offerings to help our state’s environmental educators provide more inclusive learning experiences for a broader group of our state’s learners.

  • Completed the 2-year Don’t Waste It! project with our partners at Chatham County Solid Waste & Recycling and the Southeastern Environmental Education Alliance

Internal Capacity:

  • Began collecting demographic information from members and event attendees upon registration (instead of only during post-program evaluations)

  • Launched Legacy Giving as an option to support EENC’s work

  • Developed a multi-year staffing plan, which outlines plans to increase our organizational capacity through shared leadership.

  • Updated the Bylaws and our internal Policy Manual to provide clearer and stronger frameworks to grow and guide EENC’s work.

We look forward to doing more work in each of these focus areas in the year ahead to support North Carolina’s community of environmental educators. If you have any questions about this work, please contact Lauren Pyle.


Environmental Educators of North Carolina

EENC’s mission is to build connections, provide professional development, and promote excellence for North Carolina's community of environmental educators.
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