2022 Conference

Join us for the 31st Annual Environmental Educators of North Carolina conference at NC State’s McKimmon Conference & Training Center in Raleigh, NC! This year’s conference will be held September 9 to Saturday September 10, 2022. Plan ahead now for pre-conference workshops, field trips, and more on Thursday, September 8.
We are excited to announce that the 2022 conference theme is rEEdefine: redefining how we connect, reflect and identify in the field of Environmental Education. During the conference, we will delve deeper into what EE looks like in our state, the exciting and surprising places where EE is happening, and why EE should be designed for and accessible to everyone.
If you have any questions about the conference, please contact Michelle Pearce at programs@eenc.org.

Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Rasul Mowatt
Our Keynote speaker will be NC State’s very own Dr. Rasul Mowatt, Department Head of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management. Dr. Mowatt’s research centers on the production and restructuring of urban space, primarily within cities, and how that impacts what we understand to be the function of race, gender and class in a society. Most recently his teaching and research culminated in his book titled "The Geographies of Threat and the Production of Violence: The State and the City Between Us,” published by Routledge press in 2021. In his free time, Dr. Mowatt is a DJ.