What a year this has been! Looking back over the past year, so much has happened in EENC that sets us up to better support you in 2022.
In the past year, EENC:
Launched a new 15-hour Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Environmental Education online course, providing more than 75 educators with introductory training on this critical topic in our first three cohorts.
Trained 35 new facilitators for the Don’t Waste It! curriculum, so that future workshops can be offered throughout the southeast.
Welcomed our second staff member, part-time Program Coordinator Michelle Pearce, to expand EENC’s capacity to provide professional development programs.
Became the home for the new Criteria I workshop, “Inquiry-Based Outdoor Learning: Using BEETLES Resources in North Carolina.” You can look forward to seeing find these workshops near you in 2022.
Updated our vision statement to more actually share the change we want to make in the world.
Looking ahead, here are some of our plans for the year ahead:
Amp up our advocacy for the field of environmental education. From legitimizing the work we do, to focusing on educator pay and student access, EENC aims to work at a systems level so that environmental education is more accessible, equitable, and inclusive.
Build partnerships to boost capacity. In order to build capacity for the field of environmental education, EENC recognizes the need to build relationships with individuals, organizations, and agencies with aligned goals. This includes connecting nonformal educators to pre-service teacher programs and formal educators, connecting practitioners to research and university professionals, and building partnerships for shared learning spaces.
Become a better resource for all our state’s environmental educators. We want to continue to expand our professional development programming and resources to engage a broad and diverse educator community and support their efforts to provide meaningful and accessible engagement for students.
We look forward to continuing the journey with you working toward a just and sustainable world.