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Celebrating Excellence In Environmental Education! (EENC Webinar)

Thu, May 18


Online Course

Join us to “rEEconnect” with three of our 2022 award winners to learn more about their contributions to environmental education in the state of North Carolina.

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Celebrating Excellence In Environmental Education! (EENC Webinar)
Celebrating Excellence In Environmental Education! (EENC Webinar)

Time & Location

May 18, 2023, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Online Course

About This Event

Each year the Environmental Educators of North Carolina publicly recognizes environmental educators, EENC members, organizations, and partners for their valuable contributions to EENC, the North Carolina community, and to the field of environmental education. This year the opens on Friday May 19, and to spark your excitement to celebrate educators and programs you love, EENC will be sharing some of the stories from the 2022 award winners.nominations for awards

Join us to “rEEconnect” with three of our 2022 award winners to learn more about their contributions to environmental education in the state of North Carolina.


Exceptional Environmental Education Program

Community Yacunne (Fish) Camp was awarded the 2022 Exceptional Environmental Education Program Award and was accepted by Coty Sutherland. The Waccamaw Siouan Indians are one of eight state-recognized Native American tribes in North Carolina. They are located predominantly in the southeastern North Carolina counties of Bladen and Columbus, in the communities of St. James, Buckhead, and Council. The Waccamaw Siouan tribal homeland is situated on the edge of Green Swamp about 37 miles from Wilmington, North Carolina, seven miles from Lake Waccamaw, and four miles north of Bolton, North Carolina. Yacunne (pronounced YAH-chu-nee) is the word for fish in Woccon, the tribal language. This innovative program connects culture, heritage, health, and environmental education in one event. The program is intergenerational, giving extended families an environment to spend time in nature together and share skills across generations.Waccamaw Siouan STEM Studio

Outstanding Partner

This year’s Outstanding Partner Award was given to and was accepted by Shannon Culpepper. Developed in 2019, Don't Waste It! is an educator guide to waste management, recycling, composting, and waste reduction, which includes 11 lessons covering five themes: municipal solid waste, recycling, plastics, composting, and landfills. That same year it became part of the North Carolina Environmental Education Certification Program as a Criteria 1 workshop. In 2020 Chatham County partnered with Environmental Educators of North Carolina (EENC) and received an Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Education grant to expand Don't Waste It! within North Carolina and to seven other states in the Southeast.Don’t Waste It!, Chatham County Solid Waste and Recycling

Outstanding Practitioner

The 2022 Outstanding Practitioner Award recognized Chris Goforth. Chris works as Head of Citizen Science at the at their Prarie Ridge Ecostation and is a certified North Carolina Environmental Educator. As Head of Citizen Science, Chris regularly works with a wide array of audiences to share the knowledge and power of citizen science. From the Lost Ladybug Project to iNaturalist, to Nature’s Notebook and so many more, there is a citizen science project for everyone. In addition to her work at Prairie Ridge, Chris regularly facilitates workshops, programs, and other professional development opportunities across the state and online, as well as develops content that adds to the greater body of work in the environmental education field and beyond.North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences

Registration Information

Register in advance for this meeting:

Webinar will qualify for Criteria III and continuing education for .NC DEQ EE Certificate

A recording of the webinar will be sent to all registered participants afterward.  It will also be posted on EENC's  - so if you're an EENC member and not able to attend during the scheduled time, no need to register!Member Resources page

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Environmental Educators of North Carolina

EENC’s mission is to build connections, provide professional development, and promote excellence for North Carolina's community of environmental educators.
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